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Gloria Has Been Guided to Extend this Gift To YOU Today!

YOU know who YOU ARE! 

It's NO mistake or Coincidence that YOU are HERE Right NOW!

YOU could easily have deleted the email with the link that brought YOU Here.

YOU didn't because YOU felt Guided to Hear from YOUR Friends In High Places.

Yes, YOUR Angels have asked YOU to Open YOURself to Their Guidance.

This Month ONLY!!! Receive a 50% Savings on... 

YOUR Personal Mission Reminder

Regularly $50.00...YOURS for $25.00 + shipping 


This MISSION REMINDER – is a reminder of the choice made by YOUR Soul team prior to birth.

This reminder opens intimate subconscious memory to the direction and recognition of the MISSION you initially designed in preparation for YOUR life here.  YOUR Angels offer an empowering voice to your Soul in this personal Mission Reminder message.

This is an OVERVIEW of the tasks, feelings and intuition direction that lifts your Veil of Forgetfulness!

(‘Soul Team’ … is the empowerment energies of YOUR Mind, Ego, Body and Soul combined.

The Angels reveal this team throughout Gloria’s recently published book A Mirroring Discovery with Angel Visitation! This book was channeled in just 33 days! … via The Angels of The Light.)

Included Original writings and a typed version for ease of  reading, and forwarded to you.

Gloria’s mission work is also heavenly guided as she continues to be

an instrument of The ALL via The Angels of The Light.

Her published story has spread internationally … as she continues her powerful mission:


“A  Spiritual Messenger”


Awareness of the Angelic Guidance offered to You in life is EMPOWERING!
Your Angels are Continuously Reaching out to You!
Copyright © 2021 Gloria Messenger. All Rights Reserved.

Website Published by True Emotions Artwork Plus